In Luçon, faced with the lack of general practitioners, consultations are organized at the hospital

This is an experiment that should last a year. This is to allow patients, deprived of a doctor in Luçon and its surroundings, to consult a general practitioner directly at the hospital. Among the practitioners, Doctor Bertrand Guillon, who usually performs replacements in offices in La Rochelle. A new device that seduced this young doctor:

It’s nice to be able to respond to a need, to a kind of anxiety people have about not having a doctor, so everyone is happy in the end. The patients find themselves there, we also find ourselves there because it allows them to return to the hospital, to work as a team, and then there is still accessibility to specialist doctors which is faster than in the office. , where we are isolated

Bertrand Guillon

General practitioner

La Vendée, like many departments, suffers from a lack of general practitioners, due in particular to retirements. Those who stay can very often no longer take on additional patients. This is what happened to Aurélie, her doctor stopped working and couldn’t find a replacement. For her, this new system of vacations at the hospital is welcome: “JI wouldn’t want to clog the emergency room just for that, for small ailments in quotes that a general practitioner can treat. I called many others who told me they couldn’t take new patients“.

In Vendée, it is estimated that 10 to 15% of inhabitants no longer have an attending physician, and therefore it is inevitably emergencies that suffer. Emergencies like everywhere, overwhelmed in the face of this phenomenon. “For a little over ten years now, we have seen the number of emergency room visits doubled. From 90,000 to 180,000 visits per year“, specifies Etienne Le Maigat, territorial director for the Vendée of the ARS of the Pays de la Loire, who invested two million euros to set up this system, and the opening of a number, 116 117, which makes it possible to regulate emergencies and direct patients to these consultations.In all, seven consultation centers, provided by replacement GPs or recently retired doctors, will be operational in the weeks and months to come in Vendée hospitals.

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