in love, Frank Delay declares his love for his new girlfriend

At 48, Frank Delay has just found love again and he intends to let it be known! Last August, the former singer also confided in his family life, he who is the father of three children from two different mothers: “I no longer live with Lana’s mother, who is 7 years old, but we s Of course… I see my daughter every other weekend, on Wednesdays, as soon as I can pick her up, I go! As for my older sons, they live with me. They are students. Jay-Lee has had his degree in eco-management at the Sorbonne and Kezian is entering his 3rd year in foreign languages ​​at Nanterre. We get along well, they are nice boys!” he explained.

Frank Delay then revealed that he had not been single since April: “I met someone, it’s going well, we plan to move in together… It feels good! I was single for two and a half years and, today, I finally think I can settle down.”

The handsome boy then explained what he is looking for in a woman: “She has to understand my job, my movements, my way of working… I am in a seductive environment despite everything and I need this person to trust, because yes, when we do a concert, we go to the hotel, a lot of things can happen… She really has to be sure of me. And then I need someone who supports me, gives advice… And then I need gentleness, kindness!”

Frank Delay declares his love for his new girlfriend
A few weeks after this declaration, the father of the family presents the one who managed to steal his heart. “As soon as I saw you I knew, the minute you walked through the door, that you would be part of my life so much I fell under your spell. You bring together all the assets of a woman that I desire You are beautiful, smart, generous, talented, feisty, unique… I’m proud to be your man my love. I love you.” he wrote on Instagram, in the caption of a photo where they appear huddled against each other during a stay in Marrakech.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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