As for a semi-final of the Section in Bordeaux a few years ago, where he had organized the movement of 5000 people on board 100 buses by providing the sandwich shop, Lhospital Traiteur, tackles a big piece. He is one of the Paris Marathon caterers which runs this April 3. It still lacks staff to serve Saturday and Sunday, organizers and runners. There is no cooking to do. Everything is already prepared.
You need people who are motivated and quick to pass drinks and food before, during and after the event. It already has 150 people (3 buses) for these two days but it still lacks about thirty servers. No qualification is necessary.
Given the event and also the urgency, all these waiters and waitresses will be well rewarded. The departure is scheduled for this Saturday, April 2. First service in Paris the same evening from 6 p.m. Return late Monday morning to Pau.
– Credit: Lhospital