For this 23rd donation, direction Beaubreuil. For the past year, Florian Dubois has visited each association to which he gives a check. Thursday, December 16, he met Caroline Chabaud, director of the association My Gold Hands.
Real estate Santa
“It’s our Father Christmas”, launches the director of the association with shining eyes. “Mr. Dubois called me one morning and said: I have a gift for you. One hundred euros is the cost of producing a book for a blind child. “ Reliefs, large print and braille, these tactile books, are all handmade by the members of the association. An expensive production, of a sum ranging from 100 to 150 euros per part. “It is a cause that is little known to the general public. Yet visually impaired and blind children need these books to nourish their minds, their imaginations and their knowledge like any other child.”
– Salome Pineda
This association, Florian discovered on the Internet. “Usually it is the clients who choose the destination of my donations. Some have an association in mind, others give me more of a theme. Here my clients had only indicated to me that they wanted something related to childhood.”
Attending these great initiatives also makes me feel good.
In another life, this real estate agent was a musician. Since his reconversion, the notion of sharing was missing in his daily life. “With my activity, we often have our heads in the handlebars, and we forget what is going on around us.” In 2019, Fabien was the victim of an accident. This is the click.
“I found this idea to mix my work, while helping associations.” A personal initiative, encouraged by his agency. “I have the freedom to meet associations during my working time. Attending these great initiatives is good for me too. Being well in your head allows you to be good at work.”
In 2022, Florian’s project continues. The objective: “donate as much as possible.”