in Limoges, the heating will be on on October 15 in schools


Article written by

C. de la Guérivière France 3 Regions M. Semerjian – France 3

France Televisions

Limoges town hall is waiting for October 15 to light the boilers to heat the city’s school rooms. Parents understand, but some have reservations.

In Limoges (Haute-Vienne), the heating is not on in the classrooms, Tuesday, October 4. Parents cover their children more. “We are very careful, too, at home, so I find it justified that they wait a bit to turn on the heating again.“, believes a mother. Auxiliary heaters have been installed in some classes. The town hall wishes to wait until October 15 to relight the boilers, due to energy sobriety.

“It’s a little heavy machinery to light, since it requires starting a boiler (…) it is not possible to turn it on and off several times during the day”explains Vincent Jalby, youth assistant at the town hall of Limoges. “There are still a majority of schools in the city from Limoges which are in a rather lamentable state”, notes Anabel Roy, UNSA87 general secretary. The town hall estimates that it would take a billion euros to renovate the schools.

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