In Limoges, the first baby of the year was born at 1:19 am

The first baby of the year 2022 is called Aboubacar. This 3,530 kilogram baby boy was born in 1h19. He was closely followed by little Kaeyla, who was born eleven minutes later. This is not the last baby of the night for the midwives of Limoges since a little Kays was born at 2:25 am.

The year 2022 starts off with a bang

At the Brive hospital center, the first baby was born at 7:37 a.m. Tom, 2,970 kilos, arrived three weeks early, like his mom, Laëtitia and his dad, Lucas! “It’s when I wish each other a Happy New Year, at midnight sharp, that I lost my waters”, smiles the young mother on the phone. “The year 2022 begins on the hats of wheels”, rejoices Laëtitia.

In Tulle, the first baby was born at 4:54 a.m.

A 3.9 kilogram baby boy was born in Tulle at 4:54 a.m. On the phone, the midwife has observed a constant increase in the number of births for at least three years at the Tulle hospital center. 782 babies were born in 2021, 727 the previous year, compared to less than 700 in 2019.

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