In Lille, a father and his daughter create buzz on the internet with their review of the film “Un p’tit truc en plus” by Artus

The magician Charly Potter and his daughter Louise, who suffers from myopathy, talk about disability and everyday life with humor on social networks. And in recent days, they’re a hit with their latest video, a review of the hit film “Un p’tit truc en plus”.

France Télévisions – Culture Editorial



Reading time: 1 min

Charly Potter and her daughter Louise, at home in Lille.  (FRANCE 3 LILLE)

It is the story of an unfailing complicity. That of a magician dad and his daughter who suffers from myopathy. Together, they have been publishing videos on social networks to talk with humor about disability for two years. One of them now has more than nine million views. This is a review of the film A little something extra by Artus, just as funny as it is moving.

Charly and Louise have set themselves a challenge, they will return to see the film in the cinema with each new million views!

Charly and Louise have set themselves a challenge, they will return to see the film in the cinema with each new million views!
Charly and Louise have set themselves a challenge, they will return to see the film in the cinema with each new million views!

“Here’s the TV, watch out! No! Help!”, shouts Charly, pushing back her daughter Louise’s wheelchair when the camera enters their home. With a father who is a magician and a daughter who is a fan of social networks, there is an atmosphere at home and the whimsical duo, as funny as they are touching, have a great time concocting videos of which they have the secret and which he posts on TikTok.

Their complicity in front of and behind the camera touched Internet users. “We have a lot of fun and we always have lots of ideas! We’ll see where it takes us, but if we manage to give people a little joy, that’s the basis of our thing. We make people smile, we have lots of comments and that’s cool”explains Charly Potter.

Artus’ film was upset: “You cried”said Louise. “I was devastated, yes”replies his father. “So, the next day, we made a little video that got two million views in one day and hundreds of thousands of messages. It was crazy,” he smiled. “Do you want a tissue ?”Louise suggests. “No, I’m going to take your blanket to dry my tears”jokes Charly.

Since this success that they did not expect, Charly and Louise made a commitment. They will return to the cinema to see the film every time a new million is reached, always with emotion and a motto: “Nothing to beat disability!

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