In Lebanon, children are the first affected by the crisis




Article written by

D Schlienger, JJ. Buty, N. El Dib, MJ. Sader, R. Laurentin – France 2

France Televisions

Between the economic crisis, the Covid-19, security disturbances and the fuel shortage, children are the first victims of the situation in Lebanon.

Children in Lebanon are back in their classrooms, their satchels and their teacher for the first time in two years. The Covid-19, the explosion in the port of Beirut and the fuel shortage have forced schools to remain closed, as in a French-speaking establishment in Beirut. As a result, the level went down.

There are students who do not even know the letters. It’s catastrophic“, laments a teacher. School only takes place three days a week, because the price of fuel is too expensive for parents and teachers. It reaches the equivalent of seven euros per liter. Children often spend their time. day out. The country is in debt, almost bankrupt. “We’re not alive here anymore, we’re breathing, but we’re dead“Replies a dejected man. According to Unicef, more than a third of children no longer have enough to eat.

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