In Le Havre, a film to denounce domestic violence and raise awareness


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France Televisions

Writing Culture

Raising awareness but also helping women victims of domestic violence to rebuild themselves: this is the theme of this short film being shot in Le Havre. The director of “You are always pretty” was inspired by his own experience. #TheyHaveTheSolution

A young couple like so many others stroll along the quays of Le Havre. Their romantic stroll then turns into a scene of violence. Engine. This scene is not real but filmed. This is the shooting of a short film that denounces domestic violence.

It’s interesting to show that someone who may seem brilliant and the ideal son-in-law is not. He has a double face and it often happens unfortunately.

Domestic violence, still at the heart of the news, is a scourge in France. Women are the most affected. According to official figures, 48 ​​women have been killed since the start of 2021 and nearly 220,000 report experiencing violence each year. Only 18% of them file a complaint.

A silence that imprisons and that the director wanted to highlight. In his short film, Alexis Cadot demonstrates the infernal spiral of violence. An essential testimony for him.

I observed a lot, even recently in the family environment, you feel helpless when it’s like that. It’s important to be able to rebuild.

Alexis Cadot


This short film aims to raise awareness and above all to give voice to victims and witnesses. Encourage those around you to testify and act, despite the fear sometimes. The title You’re still as pretty is not the result of chance. It resonates with the idea that the victims can rebuild themselves, to move forward despite the physical or moral scars. The short film is to be discovered at the end of the year in certain cinemas and on the internet.

As a reminder, whether physical, sexual or moral, all domestic violence is punishable by law. Women victims of violence can contact 3929, a free and anonymous listening platform accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is not an emergency number. It informs and directs towards support and support systems. In the event of immediate danger, dial 17 to call the police or the gendarmerie.

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