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Faced with drought, firefighters lack water. The matter is all the more urgent as the fire season has already begun. To meet this lack, they could collect water from certain swimming pools to store it. This is particularly the case in the Pyrénées-Orientales.
Faced with the lack of water, firefighters could be forced more and more often to empty swimming pools. At a campsite near Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), the managers donated stagnant rainwater from their pool to firefighters to help them fight future fires. “We contacted the town hall of Salses-le-Château, who made us contact our friends the firefighters. They came here this week and took the 120 cubic meters […] for future fires”says Mehdi Fraihat, co-manager of Camping International du Roussillon.
Natural ponds are no longer enough
The water from their swimming pool is now stored in tanks graciously lent by a winegrower. Welcome cubic meters: natural pools are no longer enough, when the fire season has already started. Last month, in the department, 1,000 hectares of forest went up in smoke, in Cerbère. Firefighters therefore welcome such initiatives with relief.