in kyiv, there is one last road to leave the city


France 2

Article written by

A. Vahramian, S. Yassine, P. Yurov, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

What will be the fate of kyiv? The question is in everyone’s mind and especially in that of Vladimir Putin who knows the symbolism. The encirclement was set up over the days. Special Envoy Agnès Vahramyan is live from Kyiv. With her team, she went to the last road that allows you to leave the city.

The strategy of the Russian forces is “to suffocate the cities, and kyiv of course, since that is where the heart of Ukraine beats”says journalist Agnès Vahramyanlive from Kyiv (Ukraine)Saturday, March 19. For “asphyxiate” the great Ukrainian metropolis, Vladimir Putin has installed his tanks at the gates of the city. “We are surrounded here”notes the journalist. “But Vladimir Putin failed to cut the southern route, this E95 highway that we took. That road which go to Odessa is the last link between kyiv and the rest of Ukraine. Discreet cameras have been placed on the signaling gates. The highway is strategic, it is by there that supplies reach kyiv.

The Russian army did try to attack this axis. Vasylkiva city on the road, still bears its traces: missiles fell in the middle of residences, causing one death and several injuries. The attacks took place on the second day of the conflict. “The failed Russian objective was to seize our city and our military airport”says Natalia Balasynovychmayor of Vasylkiv. But the attack was repulsed there. We come across refugees fleeing the fighting in northern kyiv.

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