in kyiv, the political national union begins to crumble

Since the start of the war, the figure of President Volodymyr Zelensky has tended to take center stage. But little by little, the political game regains its rights in the hemicycle.

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President Volodymyr Zelensky in front of the Ukrainian Parliament, December 28, 2022. (STR / UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SER / VIA AFP)

On February 24, 2022, Ukraine woke up to Russian bombs. The Rada, the Ukrainian Parliament, then decides to vote for martial law, which considerably reduces its powers in favor of the president. But the country does not give up on maintaining the functioning of its democratic institutions.

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Political scientist Yuliya Kyrytchenko insists that the Rada never stopped working, in a spirit of sacred union, when the Russian tanks were at the gates of kyiv. “Parliament managed to come together despite political differences, and that really played a big role in the first days and the first month of the Russian invasion”says Yuliya Kyrytchenko.

Elections postponed until after the war

Under martial law, it is impossible to organize elections, and yet legislative elections were scheduled for this fall, before the presidential election next year. All are pushed back to the post-war period. But these electoral prospects, even remote, are beginning to weaken the political unity of the early days, recognizes Yuliya Kyrytchenko.

“Politicians understand that the threat to the very existence of the Ukrainian state has receded, so they allow themselves to criticize power again.”

Yuliya Kyrytchenko, political scientist

at franceinfo

“As our victory draws near, they will all begin to strategize how to capture voters’ votes, do not doubt the political scientist. But what do you want… It’s democracy!”she points out..

According to a recent poll, three quarters of Ukrainian voters would like to return Volodymyr Zelensky to power after the war. On the other hand, two thirds of those questioned hope for a profound change in the ranks of parliamentarians.

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