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700 French are still in Ukraine, Friday, February 25. When some are stuck in place, others have managed to hit the road. The France Télévisions teams collected several testimonies.
The streets of Kiev (Ukraine) are deserted, Friday February 25. The siren sounds several times a day. Cyril Baraton, a French national in Kiev, has been instructed by the embassy to stay at home. “The situation is tense, we have information from France that the Russians are going to take Kiev, and we have just had the mayor of Kiev (…) [qui dit] that everything’s OK”he explains, pointing out “totally contradictory” information.
Mohamed Elbrahmi, another French national, is ready to leave as soon as possible. He has prepared his backpack with a charger, water, pasta and fruit, and will be able to react quickly in case of a call from the embassy. He decided to spend the night in the metro, with dozens of Ukrainians who had been there for two days. “We are all afraid”, says Mohammad. Kevin Bensimon meanwhile drove six hours before reaching an area 200 km west of the capital. “Here life seems almost normal, it’s almost disturbing. People work, there is food, there is gasoline”he notes.