in Kharkiv, propaganda from the Russian side infuriates Ukrainians

Many Ukrainians have friends or family in Russia, they have to deal with Russian propaganda which widens the gap between the two peoples who are nevertheless very close.

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Media control is extremely strong in Russia. Since Monday April 4, Moscow accuses, for example, the Ukrainians of having orchestrated the abuses in Boutcha. This propaganda spreads among the Russians and accentuates the division with the Ukrainians who nevertheless have, in places, a very strong common history.

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Kharkiv is a good indicator to measure the divorce caused by this war between Ukrainians and Russians. The city is 30 km from the border. A Russian-speaking city which had many exchanges with its neighbor. Ukrainians have friends or family on the other side, but the war has created hatred. Yakov was born in Siberia and speaks Russian. He now lives in a neighborhood emptied of its population regularly targeted by artillery from Moscow. “My wife has family in Russia, I was going there with my carsays Yakov. But they caused so much hatred in us. They are bastards and not brothers. They were never our brothers. They steal our history and rebuild it.”

Another element that digs this invisible gap: the relatives of these Ukrainians in Russia have become hermetic to their arguments. Propaganda has erected a wall between the two nations. Olga is a young artist from Kharkiv. His aunt lives in Russia. She finds herself helpless in the face of the power of the Moscow narrative: “They saw all this damage and yet they call us and tell us that we are liars, that Russia does not bomb us. They say that all we see is Photoshop [logiciel de retouche photo].”

“People here are taking pictures of the bombs falling from their window and the Russians say it’s airbrushed.”

Olga, Ukrainian

at franceinfo

The ties between Ukraine and Russia were strong and important before the war, especially for the older people who spent most of their lives under Russian administration. But the invasion and destruction are causing a divorce now that affects all generations and all regions.

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