in Jarnac, Anne Hidalgo invokes François Mitterrand and the memory of the union of the left

This is the first visit to the birthplace of François Mitterrand for Anne Hidalgo, in Jarnac (Charente). The mayor of Paris and candidate for the 2022 presidential election is not strictly speaking a Mitterrandienne from the start, but while the idea of ​​a primary on the left to decide between all the candidates seems to have stalled, she has makes this trip a symbol, where the first socialist president of the Fifth Republic was born and where he is buried.

After the birthplace, Anne Hidalgo, “happy to be there”, then goes to the cemetery of Jarnac, in front of the grave of François Mitterrand, who died 26 years ago to the day. The rain then begins to fall and an activist accidentally breaks a canopy. Senator Patrick Kanner does not see this as a bad omen. “Broken glass brings good luck. And it is not because there was a spray of François Hollande that, however, we must put everything on his back”, he jokes.

Anne Hidalgo does not come here by chance. François Mitterrand has succeeded where it fails for the moment. The first left-wing president of the Fifth Republic, he was elected on May 10, 1981 thanks to the union of the left and on the basis of the common program of the Socialists and the Communists. “The leftist politician that I am cannot fail to be inspired by this, explains Anne Hidalgo. He said it before everyone else and he proved it: in order to be able to conquer power, you have to come together. “

The primary of the candidates of the left which she relaunched the idea will not happen. The ecologist Yannick Jadot does not want it, but the mayor of Paris still refuses to admit it completely. “As long as it is possible to organize it, it must be organized. But I hear the refusal. I regret that Yannick Jadot takes on this responsibility which should nevertheless lead us to surpass each other.”

“A primary only makes sense if it serves to have a common candidate, a single candidate and not to add candidates.”

Anne Hidalgo

to franceinfo

“Obviously, if in this primary the Greens around Yannick Jadot are not present, it is no longer called a primary, regretfully recognizes Anne Hidalgo. In any case, it is not this primary that would make it possible to have this unique candidate. ” For the moment, the contenders on the left are not progressing in the polls, and Anne Hidalgo (4.5%) is clearly behind Yannick Jadot (8%).

His father had succeeded in the union of the left, Mazarine Pingeot, the daughter of François Mitterrand, is hardly under any illusions. “The situation is currently rather sad for us, but we are not losing hope, she assures. Objectively, it’s a bit complicated for the next dates, but hey, it takes part in the work of reconstruction. Afterwards, we are never safe from a surprise. “

The entourage of Anne Hidalgo still wants to believe it. “The polls in January never gave the result, souffle Rachid Temal, senator from Val-d’Oise, on the way between the cemetery and the house of François Mitterrand. The presidential election is long, let’s play the game to the end. Let the French decide the questions and you will see the result at the end. “ But when it comes to coming back here in 2023 as President of the Republic, there is still a long way to go.

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