In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi pursues his political career despite suspicions of sexual assault


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The French political class is crossed by cases of sexual violence. Correspondent in Rome for France Télévisions, Alban Mikoczy recalls that in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi also enjoys a certain impunity.

While the Damien Abad case, accused of rape by two women, arose in France, the correspondent in Rome for France Télévisions, Alban Mikoczy, recalls that Italy is not spared from such scandals of sexual violence. Witness the case of Silvio Berlusconi, prosecuted for sex offenses for more than 10 years. “Despite this, his political career continues. The courts have ruled several times, sometimes acquitting the ‘rider‘, sometimes, on the contrary, by condemning it. But still, he was able to retain the possibility of being elected“, he recalls.

MEP since 2019, he also remains party leader, even if his attempt to run for the presidency of the Republic a few months ago failed in the face of the almost unanimous refusal of deputies and senators, scalded by heavy suspicions of sexual assault. who overwhelm him. Aged 85, Silvio Berlusconi nevertheless continues his political career. In Italy, the Me Too revolution”has less significant effects“, notes the journalist.

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