In Italy, environmental activists stick their hands to the glass of a painting by Botticelli

The group “Ultima Generazione” (Last Generation) wishes to raise public awareness of the need to act in the face of the climate emergency.

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A punchy action. Two activists from an Italian environmental activist collective called “Ultima Generazione” (Last Generation) stuck their hands on Friday, July 2, on the glass protecting the famous painting “Le Printemps” by Botticelli, report The Guardian. The work is exhibited in the Uffizi Gallery Museum in Florence, Italy.

The two activists stuck one hand to the glass while a third activist unfurled a banner bearing the message “Last Generation, more gas, more coal”as shown the ABC News video. According to the Italian news agency Ansa, the police arrested the three people.

Activists said it was the first step in a long series of actions at museums. “We are turning to the art world to launch a vibrant appeal for our requests to be brought to the government by all the social partners.explains “Ultima Generazione” in a press release. The ongoing eco-climatic and social collapse will also have a tragic impact on the preservation of places of cultural heritage preservation.”

“In the same way that we defend our artistic heritage, we must dedicate ourselves to protecting the planet.”

The group “Ultima Generation”

in a press release

The glued hand method in public space is also used by “Last renovation” activists in France. They notably stood out by blocking the Paris ring road, by breaking into the Central of Roland-Garros or by disrupting certain stages of the Tour de France.

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