in Israel, activists against justice reform step up efforts

Part of the judicial reform, which divides the country, must be voted on Monday. A decisive and symbolic day of this crisis which has been tearing Israel apart for seven months.


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Protesters against justice reform gather outside the Israeli parliament (Knesset) in Jerusalem on July 23, 2023. (HAZEM BADER / AFP)

Don’t give up until the vote. In Israel, the protest against the government Binyamin Netanyahu, who has just left the hospital, and his project of judicial reform has intensified considerably in recent days. It should reach its peak on Monday July 24 because parliament must vote on part of the very controversial justice reform. The coalition says “rebalance” the balance of powers between the executive and the judiciary, the opposition denounces “an authoritarian drift”.

>> MAINTENANCE. Israel: Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak denounces Binyamin Netanyahu’s “illegitimate actions”

For two weeks, the demonstrations are daily, whereas the vote approaches, the militants against the reform redouble their efforts. Megaphone in hand, Adva, 30, demonstrates under a blazing sun. “Now is the time to take to the streets and demonstratesays the young woman. I am trying to convince all my friends and all those who stay at home, we must go out in the streets while it is still possible to demonstrate.”

An unprecedented movement among the reservists

The demonstrators demand an immediate halt to the vote and demand a national consensus around the reform. “Paradoxically, it is the protesters who are conservatives and it is the government and those who support them who are revolutionariesexplains Denis Charbit professor of political science. They are the ones who want to transform the regime, we are not asking for anything else than to leave things as they have been since 1949.”

The government must adopt, Monday, in 2nd and 3rd reading a flagship law of the judicial reform: the abolition of the clause of “reasonableness”, the judges will no longer be able to annul the laws.

“If we remove this safeguard, there is nothing left to hinder the progress of the government, hence the real and deep concern and we see it even in the circles of the military reservists.”

Denis Charbit professor of political science

at franceinfo

This is an unprecedented mobilization – hundreds of Israeli army reservists have suspended their voluntary service – thousands more are threatening to do so if the law is passed today.

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