In Isère, a shop specializes in reusable menstrual products


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In the small Isère town of Abrets-en-Dauphiné, a specialized shop offers reusable menstrual products made in France. The opportunity for the manager to help many women and to break this still taboo subject. #TheyHaveTheSolution

Inside this shop in Abrets-en-Dauphiné, in Isère, all the products sold are dedicated to women and their periods. Absorbent panties and washable towels: everything here is “made in France” and reusable to avoid women having to invest in disposable and polluting protection every month.

For one person, the amount of waste generated for a week of menstruation is enormous, so we multiply that by the number of days, the number of women and that’s a real problem.

Cindy Ticket

Manager of the “Lune d’Amour” boutique

Periods are still a taboo subject in France today. Cindy, the manager of this new establishment opened in December, does not hesitate to talk about it openly. She hopes that her approach will help free women’s voices.

To see that there is a shop, that we can talk about it, that we say the words “rules”, “vulva”, “blood”, it plays down the drama

Cindy Ticket

Manager of the “Lune d’Amour” boutique

Most reusable protections are sold on the internet. With this specialized store, Cindy wants to help women better understand their cycles, to reclaim their bodies. And above all not to be ashamed of it. According to a recent poll, 55% of French people believe that it is inappropriate to talk about periods in public.


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