More than 300 people were in a room of a two-story structure at the TRP amusement park when the fire broke out Saturday, according to firefighters.
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Twenty-seven people, including four children under the age of 12, were killed in a fire which broke out on Saturday May 25 in an amusement park in western India, according to a report established by the police. Local authorities said they arrested four people “to question them”without further details.
“The bodies were charred beyond recognition, making their identification difficult”, Radhika Bharai, an Indian police officer, told the press during the night from Saturday to Sunday. Originally from this state, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he “extremely upset”in a message posted on social networks.
More than 300 people were in a room of a two-storey structure in the TRP amusement park when the fire broke out over the summer holiday weekend, said Ilesh Kher, an officer in charge of firefighters of Rajkot, in the state of Gujarat. “People were trapped by the collapse of a temporary structure near the entrance, which made evacuation difficult”, he explained. In addition, the spread of the fire was facilitated by the nature of the materials, which were very flammable.