IN IMAGES – Tours: what results for the Christmas market and its activities?

For its last opening weekend, the Tours Christmas market and its attractions were a hit. With the combination of good weather and New Year’s Eve weekend, Touraineers wanted to make the most of the last moments of family vacations to stroll one last time on the Christmas market in Tours.

The Christmas market entertainment illuminates the city of Tours. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

A market which was, this year, divided into four different spaces, Boulevard Heurteloup, Place de la Resistance, forecourt of the cathedral, but the attractions at Place Anatole France were the most successful.

it cheers us up in the face of the stressful atmosphere of the Covid

For Anne-Cécile, there is no photo, the coolest thing is the small ice rink installed at Place Anatole France. Every year, she spends an entire afternoon there with her children. ” We are going to decompress until the last moment, just to take advantage of the end of the holidays in style. It cheers us up in the face of the stressful atmosphere of the Covid. “

The miniature ice rink caused a sensation at Place Anatole France.
The miniature ice rink caused a sensation at Place Anatole France. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

Laurence, retired from Touraine, has a preference for the Ferris wheel. This year, she brought six friends of hers, for five minutes of fun. ” It’s my way of throwing myself away. The Ferris wheel is the coolest thing to do. We have a magnificent view of the Loire, the city of Tours and the illuminations, it’s really a good time. ”

The big wheel allowed visitors to enjoy a panoramic view of the Loire and the city of Tours.
The big wheel allowed visitors to enjoy a panoramic view of the Loire and the city of Tours. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

Touraineers who are there until the last moments, and this is what pleases Bruno, he is in charge of the mulled wine stand “the chalet”. “_Compared to other years and despite the covid, we did very well. We worked better before Christmas when usually the rush is between the holidays. And then there is this last week- end which worked very well. For me it is therefore very positi_f “, insists the manager.

With the explosion of the epidemic, the mask was compulsory on the Christmas market.
With the explosion of the epidemic, the mask was compulsory on the Christmas market. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

A dispersed market that appeals to Touraineers

This winter, due to sanitary conditions, the Christmas market was split into four sites : Boulevard Heurteloup, Place de la Resistance, Place Anatole-France and at the level of the cathedral square. A decision which had provoked the anger of several traders, authors of a petition. The people of Touraine are delighted with this new market arrangement. “I find it much more accessible, because before I never had the opportunity to go to Boulevard Heurteloup. And there just the fact that I go to town, it allows me to enjoy the Christmas market “.

As they stroll between the different areas of the Christmas market, visitors stop to contemplate the illuminations.
As they stroll between the different areas of the Christmas market, visitors stop to contemplate the illuminations. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

An opinion which is also shared by Ludovic, photographer on Tours. ” It’s great, because you can take a pleasant walk in the city center of Tours, following the Christmas market. The four places are very well thought out and there is something for everyone. It seems much more dynamic and attractive this year, and the fact of not being grouped together is also reassuring“.

Boulevard Heurteloup, the stands still open welcome the latest visitors.
Boulevard Heurteloup, the stands still open welcome the latest visitors. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

Bad weather did not help bring visitors

For Jean, responsible for the carousel in 1900, the results are a little more mixed. “I find that this year the attendance has been slowed down by the Covid. People are more distant, they are afraid, while the carousel is a friendly merry-go-round. There was also the bad weather which did not help to bring the visitors“.

The 1900 carousel in Tours.
The 1900 carousel in Tours. © Radio France
Jean Rinaud

A zip line over the Loire?

When it comes to ideas for new entertainment for next year’s market, Fatima and her friend are not lacking in imagination. ” We already have the ice rink, so why not a ski slope. Or a zip line that would pass over the Loire, it would be magical“Touraineers who, with or without a zip line, are already impatiently awaiting the next Christmas market.

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