IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Pakistan victim of deadly floods, described as “climate carnage” by the UN

Nearly 1,400 people have lost their lives since June in the country, after rising waters triggered by torrential monsoon rains.

“No one knows where his village is anymore. The man in the street can no longer recognize his own house”told AFP Ayaz Ali, whose village of mehar, in the province of Sindh, is under almost seven meters of water. Hundreds of villages and huge swaths of farmland have disappeared under water after floods triggered by torrential monsoon rains since June submerged a third of Pakistan.

Nearly 1,400 people died in these floods, the intensity of which is increased by global warming, estimate Pakistani experts and officials. “I have seen many humanitarian disasters around the world, but I have never seen climate carnage of this magnitude”said Saturday, September 10 the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, visiting Pakistan. “I simply have no words to describe what I saw today.” He called on big polluters to “stop this madness” of further investing in fossil fuels.

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