IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Mikhail Gorbachev, unloved leader of the USSR and darling of Westerners

Died at the age of 91, the last secretary general of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had gradually dropped politics after his ousting from power in 1991, to direct his fight towards the protection of the planet.

He was the last leader of the Soviet Union. Mikhail Gorbachev died on Tuesday, August 30, at the age of 91 in Russia, announced a hospital dependent on the Russian presidency and quoted by the country’s press agencies. “Today in the evening, after a long serious illness, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev died”, announced the hospital (TSKB) where he was being treated. Coming to power in 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev had launched a wave of political and economic reforms aimed at modernizing and democratizing the Soviet Union, then faced with serious crises.

The death of this ardent partisan of a rapprochement with the West, Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, comes in the midst of the offensive of the current Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, which began in February and denounced as a resurgence of imperialism Russian. For some Russians, Mikhail Gorbachev destroyed the country’s great power status. Back in pictures on the life of the man who resigned on December 25, 1991, signing the end of the Soviet Union.

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