IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Denmark, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom… Storm Babet hits northern Europe, killing several people

Since Friday, record levels of rising water levels have been recorded in many cities. Thousands of people had to be evacuated and several thousand others were left without power.

Storm Babet, which hit northern Europe on Friday October 20 and Saturday October 21, caused significant flooding in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom. From Friday, the storm hit Scotland very hard, causing the death of three people, including two in the north-east of the country. In England, pMore than 300 flood alerts have been issued by the Environment Agency since Thursday. Interviewed on BBC One, Labor MP Toby Perkins said around 400 homes in his constituency of Chesterfield in central England had been flooded and many people were now without shelter. “no idea where they will be able to live”.

The storm also hit the coasts of northern Germany on Friday evening, raging throughout the night and causing the death of a woman in her car, killed by a falling tree, German firefighters announced . According to the emergency services of the state of Schleswig-Holstein (North), strong winds and rain caused water levels to rise, causing flooding and the evacuation of around 2,000 people. The highest water level was recorded around midnight on Friday, almost 2.30 meters above normal, a value not seen in almost 120 years.

In Denmark, storm Babet triggered a sharp rise in water levels in towns in the south of the country, flooding the ground floors of homes without electricity for several hours. In towns like Sønderborg, Hesnæs or Fåborg, the water level has exceeded its normal level by more than 2 meters according to the Danish weather service DMI, levels which are normally only reached once every 100 years. THE southern Sweden was also affected. Strong winds and rising water levels, 1.50 meters above normal, caused many trees to fall, blocking roads and depriving around 2,000 homes of electricity in the Skåne region, reports the radio Swedish P4.

Emergency services clear fallen trees that fell on a car and block a road outside Lund, southern Sweden, October 20, 2023. (JOHAN NILSSON / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP)

Residents cross a flooded street in Flensburg, northern Germany, October 20, 2023. (AXEL HEIMKEN / AFP)

An elderly person is evacuated by a coastguard team from a flooded street in Brechin, northeast Scotland, October 20, 2023. (ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP)

Waves crash against the coast at the port of Allinge, on the northern coast of the island of Bornholm in Denmark, October 20, 2023. (PELLE RINK / RITZAU SCANPIX / AFP)

A surfer watches the waves near Hallviken, Sweden, as the region is hit by Storm Babet, October 20, 2023. (JOHAN NILSSON/TT / TT NEWS AGENCY / AFP)

Waves crash into the port of Stonehaven, on the east coast of Scotland (United Kingdom), October 19, 2023. (ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP)

A couple and their dog are rescued by a coastguard team from a flooded street in Brechin, northeast Scotland, October 20, 2023, as Storm Babet hits the country.  (ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP)

Foam litters the sidewalks on the coast of Hartlepool, County Durham, northeast England, during Storm Babet, October 20, 2023. (MI NEWS / NURPHOTO / AFP)

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