in Ile-de-France, the support of Valérie Pécresse confident for the outcome of the second round

Who will be the right-wing candidate for the next presidential election in 2022? Answer this Saturday afternoon from 2 p.m., after the online vote of LR activists, for the second round of their primary.

Two candidates compete: Eric Ciotti, the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, slightly ahead of the 1st round (25.6%), and Valérie Pécresse (25%), the president of our region who could well win in the final thanks to the postponement of the votes of the candidates defeated in the first round who all called to vote for her.

“I never doubted”

Suffice to say that victory is within reach for Valérie Pécresse and her supporters in Ile-de-France are already ready to savor it. This is the case of Nicolas Rondepierre, municipal councilor of opposition to Raincy in Seine-Saint-Denis. He has campaigned for Valérie Pécresse since his first regional campaign in 2010. “I have never doubted his ability to be in the second round and to win, today, I hope so, in any case we had a campaign to promote his ideas.”

“She is more reasoned than Eric Ciotti”

Ideas that bring together more than those proposed by Eric Ciotti, Geoffrey Carvalhinho is convinced. The Ile-de-France regional councilor is also part of the Pécresse campaign team. “I think she has a costed, budgeted program and above all real proposals for France … and she is much more reasoned than Eric Ciotti. For example, when he proposes a Guantanamo, Valérie Pécresse proposes concrete things for fight against uncontrolled immigration or terrorism, that’s what makes the difference “.

Victory or not of their candidate, the two men ensure that the primary is already successful for the right which marks its comeback with “competitors” who have decided to play unity for the party. Whatever the result this Saturday, it will be necessary immediately “get together and rush towards this presidential election”, recalls Nicolas Rondepierre.

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