in Ile-de-France, food distributions for students taken by storm

More than one out of two Ile-de-France students admits not having enough to eatthis is the result of a study conducted by the association Cop1-Student solidarity
, published Monday, October 3. Student precariousness persists and it even worsens in this new school year because of inflation. Food distributions are therefore trying to follow.

This is the case of the Linkee association
for example, which collects unsold or surplus foodstuffs from supermarkets and craftsmen to distribute them to those who need them, and in particular to students in the Ile-de-France region. It was for example on October 3, in Aubervilliers, on the Condorcet campus. She helped 130 students. This is double this summer on this same site and above all, three-quarters of these young people were coming for the first time.

The majority of students who receive this aid are women

Marion, for example, is a 23-year-old anthropology student, she goes for the first time to a food distribution. “I usually go to Lidl and even there fruits and vegetables are expensive. A basket like I have here can go up to 30 euros while it’s at Lidl, which is supposed to be the cheapest“, describes the young woman.

Financially, she is no longer doing well. Like Naomi, a Breton who is making her first comeback in Paris. “I’m on a work-study program so I’m not on a scholarship. I’m starting this week so I won’t get my salary until November so it’s pretty hard to be able to eat your fill every day when you’re a student in Paris“, she regrets.

It’s linked to inflation, according to Mathilde, who is worried about the coming months. “Winter, especially, will be more difficult because energy will be even more expensive than before I think. I can’t wait for the electricity bills to arrive“, details this student from the Ile-de-France region.

It’s hard to eat enough every day

This concern is shared by the president of Linkee. “We are very worried before the arrival of winter because the cumulative increase in inflation on products such as pasta, bread, oil and the inflation of energy prices creates a large difficulty for the students we welcome every day“, believes Julien Meimon. The founder of Linkee specifies that his association helps every year to nearly 30,000 students.

To benefit from this food aid, students must register directly on Linkee’s website
. There are several distributions each week in Ile-de-France, Wednesday is in Saint Denisat 6-10 quai de Seine from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. or on Thursdays, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, at 80 rue des Haies, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

source site-38