In her speech of defeat, Marine Le Pen forgot this most important detail!

It’s official. Emmanuel Macron is re-elected President of the French Republic with 58% of the vote against 41% for Marine Le Pen. The candidate of the National Rally spoke after her defeat. During her speech, she notably launched the ” legislative battle “. ” We are launching the great electoral battle of the legislative elections this evening, I will lead it with all those who had the courage to oppose Emmanuel Macron “Launched the politician in front of her supporters. If the disappointment is palpable on the side of the RN, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen still evoked a certain pride. ” Despite two weeks of unfair, brutal and violent methods, the ideas we represent are reaching new heights one evening in the second round of the presidential election. Tonight’s result is in itself a resounding victory “, she claimed.

For his part, Jordan Bardella also reacted: “ I believe that having served France and the French people is the fight of a lifetime and she will continue to lead the fight in the legislative elections. There is a third round in this election “, declared the right arm of the candidate before” thank all the French people who trusted us, it is a historically high score that we achieve. We are at the beginning of a rising wind of hope “.

But if Marine Le Pen seems to have raised all the points she wanted to address, there is nevertheless an oversight on her part which has not gone unnoticed. Indeed, the one who faced the outgoing president in the second round of the presidential election did not congratulate his opponent. An error that many Internet users denounced on Twitter. ” Marine Le Pen, if we listen to her speech, she did not lose. Maybe she congratulated the President on the phone, but it would have been more correct to do so in her speech instead of criticizing him. “wrote a twittos on the social network. Holy bad buzz…


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