In Haute-Marne, connected hives come to the aid of beekeepers



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A system that allows you to follow in real time what is happening in the swarms on your smartphone. This is the solution proposed by electronics engineer Christophe Moussy, in Haute-Marne, to limit the travel of beekeepers and thus reduce their carbon footprint. #TheyHaveTheSolution

It is in Beauchemin in Haute-Marne that the inventor Christophe Moussy is in the process of installing one of his latest finds. Its connected hives allow bees to be monitored remotely using temperature, humidity and weight sensors.

Information that is then transmitted by radio waves. “The microchip is permanently on standby, once an hour it wakes up and collects all the data, sends the information and then the whole system goes back to sleep and saves energy”details Christophe.

With this device, beekeepers can reduce their travel and thus limit their carbon footprint. Concretely, the latter can follow the routes, activities and health status of their bees directly via their smartphones. “There is one hive connected per apiary. It is this one that is representative and that will tell me if there is a food problem. It gives me a lot of information”says beekeeper Sébastien Huvig qui holds 650 hives.

It is a solution that the Haut-Marnais Christophe Moussy has developed in his spare time. A possibility of remotely monitoring the daily life of bees in their environment, which could well extend to all of France. For the moment, a dozen hives in the Grand-Est are equipped with these sensors. Far from being limited to this device alone, Christophe Moussy is working on other inventions which may soon be available. Among the tools from his imagination, a transport incubator, which could maintain bee larvae at a constant temperature.

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