in Haute-Garonne, the Samu under tension


France 2

Article written by

J. Prigent, J. Raclet, R. Moquillon, D. Breysse, S. Danduran – France 2

France Televisions

The heat wave raises fears of congestion. Call centers are already very busy, as in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne).

Dehydration, fainting, convulsions… Since the start of the heat wave, the Samu call center in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) Do not stop. “Especially on the elderly and people with heart conditions, who do not feel dehydrated and who refuse to drink”confides Stéphane Drouet, regulation assistant.

Already under tension with the Covid, the overcrowding of emergencies and the lack of staff, the heat wave does not help with 10% additional calls. “Since the beginning of the week, we have reinforced the workforce in anticipation and we have the possibility of opening the crisis unit”, says Pierre Roucolle. The number of calls to the Samu may not decrease. The Prime Minister recently urged the French to dial 15 rather than going to the emergency room.

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