in Glasgow, activists display portraits of Emmanuel Macron upside down to denounce his “hypocritical speech”

ANV-Cop21 activists gathered early Monday for action along the River Clyde in Glasgow.

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Portraits of Emmanuel Macron, his head upside down, in front of the entrance to the COP26. A few hours before the arrival of the French president in Glasgow (United Kingdom), ANV-Cop21 activists carried out an action on the spot, Monday, November 1. Early this Monday at the edge of the River Clyde, they were more than ten to deploy a yellow banner with the red inscription “Climate emergency, Macron guilty”. After having burned a few smoke bombs, drawing the anger of local residents, they headed for the buildings housing the international negotiations, on the other side of the river. All of them held an official portrait of Emmanuel Macron, taken down in a town hall, as part of an operation that the group has been carrying out for several years.

“Emmanuel Macron puts himself on the stage, he presents himself as the champion of the Earth. But the only thing he is champion of is great speeches”, denounces Marie Cohuet, spokesperson for ANV-Cop21, to franceinfo. On a musical background featuring the president’s slogan “Make our planet great again” (“give back to our planet its greatness”), she regrets the “hypocritical speech” of the president to deal with the climate crisis: “He is trying to green his image with the approach of the presidential election. But this is in contradiction with his real measures, such as the Climate law, which only included 10% of the measures proposed by the Citizens’ Convention”, she quotes.

“A COP can only work if everyone does their part. But France is not in the nails.”

Marie Cohuet, spokesperson for ANV-Cop21

to franceinfo

Followed by the police and accompanied by members of Extinction Rebellion, the activists ended their march in peace, in front of the entrance to the COP26. “We are very happy to have been able to place these portraits in front of the entrance, to symbolize the fact that Emmanuel Macron does not respect his commitments”, welcomes Charlène Fleury, also spokesperson for the association.

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