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The commune of Mengsberg, located in central Germany, produces its own electricity, hot water and heating. It thus offers its inhabitants ecological benefits, but also economic ones.
It is the pride of Mengsberg (Germany), and the brilliant idea of a handful of inhabitants: brand new installations, which independently produce the energy necessary to supply hot water and heating to the 150 households in the village. “We are all so happy to have made our dream come true. We are now independent from those who normally dictate their prices to us “, explains Karlheinz Kurz, representing communal by Mengsberg.
Large tanks store up to 300,000 liters of hot water. Solar panels provide 20% energy required, and 80% remainder come from a wood chip installation. “A person comes by once a day to check that everything is in order. Everything else can be done from home with the computer “, Explain Friedhelm Vauth, member of the cooperative. Here, everything is ecological: the combustion gases are cleaned with filters, and the wood residues come from neighboring towns. The project cost 6 million euros, including 2 million public subsidies.