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Tuesday, October 18, many Germans learn to cut their wood. With rising energy prices, wood that has already been cut costs more.
In a forest near Frankfurt, office workers or teachers learn to cut wood. After 1.5 days of training, they will be able to obtain a chainsaw license to cut their own wood in the forest. It costs five to ten times less than buying it from a company. This unprecedented enthusiasm is explained by the 44% increase in energy prices in Germany. This increase is twice as fast as in France.
In Germany, the stere of wood already cut has increased and costs at least 200 euros. In a forest near Berlin (Germany), the uncut stere costs only 25 euros. The cost of the license and the equipment quickly pays for itself. “First I have to ask the ranger where I am allowed to go and we will cut the wood into transportable pieces (…) to bring it all home”, explains engineer Wolfgang Gäbler. He plans to come several times during the winter to cut up to 10 m3 of beech. It would only cost him 200 euros for the season.