in Gaza, the ordeal of residents who left to take refuge in the south of the Palestinian territory

While nearly a million people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip in a week, according to the UN, residents who have left for the south of the Palestinian territory are trying to survive.

On the roads of the Gaza Strip, trucks transport families and belongings to the south of the Palestinian territory. Nearly a million people were displaced in this 40 km long strip of land in one week, according to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees on Sunday October 15. Imane made the choice to stay at home to die.with dignity“.”We feel like we’re alonehe tells franceinfo, we are dying. We don’t think we’re going to survive this because there’s nothing to make us think there’s any hope.”

>> Conflict between Israel and Hamas: follow the development of the situation in our live

Israeli bombings continue: nearly 300 Gaza residents were killed on Saturday, October 14, and more than 800 people were injured. The situation is getting worse to the point where “Palestinians in Gaza face risk of massive ethnic cleansing“, warned, Saturday October 14, Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur in the occupied Palestinian territories.

More water, more electricity: the situation is becoming catastrophic in the Gaza Strip

Since last Saturday and the start of the conflict with Hamas, Israel has suspended electricity deliveries to the Gaza Strip, plunging the territory into complete darkness. A blackout which risks being accompanied, in the short term, by a lack of fuel, essential to operate hospital generators. Some health establishments were also asked to evacuate, despite the presence of sick and injured people. The situation is getting worse and Mohammed sighs at the situation: “They [Israël et le Hamas, ndlr] fight and kill each other but the people who pay the price are, once again, the civilians. We are here but our children can be killed in raids. Imagine how many people we’re talking about.” deplores the Gazans stuck in Ramallah, in the West Bank.

Morgues have reached maximum capacity and bodies are beginning to be piled into refrigerated trucks. The human toll continues to rise: nearly 2,200 Palestinians, many of them civilians, including 724 children, have died since the start of hostilities according to the latest report from local authorities, Saturday October 14.

“We don’t think we’re going to survive” – Report by Alice Froussard with Gazans

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