In Gaza, a past preceded…

There is no question here of minimizing the horror of October 7 and since then… Even less of approving it. It is clear, however, that this tragedy was not of spontaneous generation. A tragic past made it possible.

The United Nations had done everything to make the two-state solution viable regarding the creation of Israel and the official recognition of Palestinian territory. But the Jewish state has never really accepted Palestine’s neighborhood.

What is worse is that Israel was able, on this point, to count on the tacit but constant support of the United States, the world’s leading power. How many times were the latter almost the only ones to oppose the one hundred and fifty countries forming the UN General Assembly which condemned, almost unanimously, the abuses of the State of Israel against Palestinians? All that was missing was the weakness of the Palestinian Authority for Hamas to radicalize and take power over two million poor Palestinians crowded by Israel into the Gaza Strip, often called an “open-air prison”.

In such a context, we will be able to understand, without approving it, the striking force of Hamas, deploying with the energy of despair. The past being a guarantor of the future, we will not be surprised, given the total blockade of Gaza announced by Israel […]to see violence and revolt take hold in this corner of the world.

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