In full mourning, the memories of his deceased father are stolen from him

A resident of Montreal’s South Shore is devastated after unscrupulous thieves steal her deceased father’s personal belongings, taking away almost every memento she had of him.

“They took everything that we had left of him, what we would have liked to give to our children to remind them of their grandfather,” laments Klodya Desmarais, her voice broken by emotion.

His father Denis Desmarais died last October at the age of 69 after cardiac arrest after three weeks in intensive care, where he was being treated for a cerebral hemorrhage.

Two months later, her daughter is still trying to grieve.

“My father is dead, but it’s as if the thieves killed him a second time. They attacked him, ”says Desmarais in a voice broken by emotion.

She says that the burglars entered the residence of her father and her mother-in-law in Drummondville while she was at work, on the night of Monday to Tuesday.

A real carnage

“When she came back, the lights were all on, which was rather unusual. It was on entering the house that she noticed the open drawers in the kitchen. Everything was ransacked, ”explains Klodya Desmarais.

Chairs had been smashed, the house had been “turned upside down.”

The burglars would have left with a laptop and several jewels belonging to her father, according to her.

“My sister had given her a bracelet that didn’t even cost $100 and after my father died, she had to get it back… But it was stolen,” sighs Mme Swamps.

Klodya Desmarais

stolen memories

His father had a large collection of jewelry, including several large “Harley Davidson” type rings that represented him well, since he was a motorcycle enthusiast. Everything was stolen.

Being a chansonnier, he also kept musical instruments in the basement. Yet these were not taken away by the thieves, she reports.

“We found a big bag full of stolen items in the basement that they must have left behind, maybe because they were disturbed… At least we were able to find my beauty’s wedding ring -mother inside,” consoles the 42-year-old woman.

Klodya Desmarais indicates that she has filed a complaint with the authorities to find the culprits, but she does not have much hope of recovering the stolen items.

Cry of the heart

“If I can make one person realize that a bracelet isn’t just an object, it has significant sentimental value too,” she says.

On social networks, several residents of Drummondville say they have been victims of burglaries in recent weeks.

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) for its part indicated that it takes the complaints seriously and is investigating.

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