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While the government recently announced the timetable for the lifting of restrictions, the half million positive Covid cases reached on Tuesday 25th January show that the Omicron epidemic is far from over.
Since January 1, more than one in ten French people have tested positive for Covid-19. France is today one of the European countries most affected by the Omicron wave. Per million inhabitants, more than 5,000 daily cases, it is much more than Italy, Germany or Spain. Only Denmark remains above. 10-19 year olds have the highest incidence rate. The school would feed the epidemic according to several specialists, like Professor Antoine Flahaut, epidemiologist and director of the Institute of Global Health in Geneva: “We continue to teach in schools which are confined, where the air is poorly ventilated and where we contaminate ourselves and afterwards, we come to recontaminate our family.“
A relaxation of barrier gestures is also singled out. “We probably pay a little less attention, especially during risky times like meals,” says general practitioner Pascal Dureau in Venissieux (Rhone). Government spokesman Gabriel Attal, notes on the other hand that France has not yet reached the peak of contamination. It still maintains the schedule of reductions. According to him, Omicron would weigh less on the hospital and the number of critical patients is decreasing. However, the pressure remains strong with more than 30,000 hospitalizations covid, Wednesday, January 26 in the evening.
Share of the population tested positive: Guillaume Rozier
Evolution of incidence by age group: Germain Forestier
New positive cases (per million inhabitants): Our World in data
COVID patients in critical care: CovidTracker, Public Health France
Hospitalized COVID patients: CovidTracker, SPF
Non-exhaustive list