Video length: 1 min
Cancers: in France, progress to be made in terms of prevention
Present on the 20 Heures set, Monday May 13, Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions, explains that France is “the bad student” in terms of cancer prevention compared to other European countries.
(France 2)
Present on the 20 Heures set, Monday May 13, Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions, explains that France is “the bad student” in terms of cancer prevention compared to other European countries.
France is “the bad student” regarding cancer prevention compared to other European countries, indicates Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions, present on the 20 Heures set, Monday May 13. “When we look at tobacco, for example, we see that we have far too many daily smokers: 25% in France compared to 19% in Europe,” he illustrates.
“Overall survival” for cancers “rather very good in France”
“For organized screening, it’s rather average. If we look at breast cancer, 47% of us participate in screening for women who are eligible, while the European average is 54%,” continues Damien Mascret . “But we must not forget that many women have mammograms, this is what we call individual screening. So, it is surely much more,” he nuances. The doctor finally adds that, regarding the treatment of cancers, “overall survival” is “rather very good in France”.