in France, history lessons address the theme


Article written by

S. Derrien, C. Duponchel, B. Odolant – France 3

France Televisions

While the conflict has only come to a head for a few days, in college classes it is on everyone’s lips. In history class, it has become a must and the students are very interested.

A seemingly ordinary history lesson. But in this 6th grade class in Bayeux (Calvados), the war in Ukraine came suddenly. The questions abound, and they are not very different from those asked by adults. “If the Russians launch their nuclear bomb, would we dare launch ours”asks a student. “We are not always ready, we do not always have ready-made answers because things also escape us. Some questions take us a little off guard, so we encourage the student to look for an answer and then we talk about it again. “explains Delphine Bouchard, History-Geography teacher.

After more than half an hour of discussion, the children realize more precisely the proximity and brutality of this war, which until then only existed in their history books. “I wonder if there will be a lot of damage and what will happen if we come into conflict”asks Corentin, 11 years old. “I just wonder when Putin will stop. If he sees the damage he is doing everywhere, because it’s not fair to us, nor to Ukrainians who have done nothing and just want to live in peace like us”, explains Philomene. Legitimate questions, which in the face of an unprecedented situation, are struggling to find answers.

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