in France, companies hit by a major wave of resignations


France 3

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This is unheard of since the 2008 crisis: in France, more than 500,000 people left their jobs voluntarily in the first quarter, the majority of them on permanent contracts. In a very dynamic labor market, it would seem that the balance of power has reversed.

A major resignation wave is hitting companies, early 2022.”It is almost historic, 520,000 employees resigned from their posts between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. A figure almost identical to the record of 2008, after the financial crisis. In total, today, 2.7% of French employees have decided to leave their company.reports the journalist Alexandre Peyrout, present Friday, August 19, on the set of 12/13.

The quit rate works cyclically: it drops during crises, because employees prefer job security. Conversely, “during a recovery, the more job offers there are, the more employees are tempted to change employers”, explains the journalist. The post-Covid context has accentuated the phenomenon. “Many sectors are having difficulty recruiting, for example construction, services, catering or even industry. To find labour, they have to be competitive, that is to say increase the salaries, but also to offer better working conditions, such as more teleworking”, notes the journalist. In these sectors in tension, the balance of power has therefore changed, and it is now the employee who has the upper hand.

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