Invited this Tuesday on France Bleu Nord, PS senator from the North Patrick Kanner castigated the joint committee on the immigration bill.
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“On Form“, this joint joint committee on the immigration bill”is absolutely unacceptable, this has never been seen“, deplores PS senator from the North Patrick Kanner. He was the guest of France Bleu Nord this Tuesday morning.
A CMP distorted by behind-the-scenes negotiations according to socialists
The immigration bill passes to the joint joint committee. On Monday, seven deputies and seven senators from all political stripes began discussions in order to reach an agreement on this text. Patrick Kanner is an alternate in this CMP. At the exit, PS senator Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie declared: “We are among the crazy“.”In terms of form, we are indeed among the crazy, assures Patrick Kanner. This CMP did not start yesterday, it started a week ago now, there were negotiations, negotiations, haggling between the macronie around the President of the Republic and LR to obtain an agreement. Already in form, it is a hidden CMP which has already taken place before it even begins“.
Monday evening, at 5 p.m., at the start of the CMP at the National Assembly, “first decision was a suspension of the session which lasted four hours! We really started the work at 9 p.m. only to interrupt it around half past midnight without a final agreement because we only analyzed article 1. In terms of form it is absolutely unacceptable, it has never been seen before!“, Patrick Kanner gets carried away. With “these negotiations between the government and a political party, we even asked ourselves with socialist and left-wing colleagues: ‘What the hell are we doing here? We’re going to leave them to themselves. I have never seen such a masquerade in form!“, repeats the socialist senator.
The return of the text adopted by the Senate
But for him, “The worst is still the bottom. LR is in the process of dictating the results of this negotiation. All the articles that we saw last night had been deleted by the law committee of the National Assembly, by the people of the macronie, by the majority, including by the president of the law committee Sacha Houlié [aile gauche des macronistes], including by the general rapporteur of the text. And then, unfortunately, last night we saw these articles present again and supported by the same people who had deleted them a few days earlier“, says the senator from the North, such as the offense of illegal stay or asking for a deposit from foreign students.
“Sacha Houlié did not say a word on the merits. He only directed the debates, he went to bed like all the others to obtain an agreement. It is Mr. Macron who is in charge, assures Patrick Kanner. They want a text at all costs, including sacrificing their values. It is above all the dropping of the famous ‘at the same time’. The macronie shows its true face, like Emmanuel Macron, a member of the liberal right, who is ready to make all compromises, not to say compromises, to achieve a victory, but a Pyrrhic victory“.
Discussions in the joint committee are due to resume at 10:30 a.m. this Tuesday morning.