in five years, how has the participation at 5 p.m. in the second round evolved in your department?

It is in the Lot department that participation has increased the most in the second round since the last legislative elections. And it is in Haute-Corse that the decline is most marked. Consult the evolution in your department on our map.

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Reading time : 1 min.

At 5 p.m., participation in the second round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 19, stood at 38.11% at the national level, according to the Ministry of the Interior, up 2.78 points compared to the previous ballot. of 2017. Turnout at this time five years ago was 35.33%.

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However, the increase is not uniform in all French departments. Participation is down, particularly in the departments of Allier (−1.59 points), Ariège (5.66) or Cantal (2.82). But it is in Haute-Corse that the drop is the most notable with 9.37 points.

Conversely, participation is up sharply in the departments of the Paris region, particularly in Val-d’Oise (+5.21 points) or in Hauts-de-Seine (+6.65 points). In Vienne, it rose in 2017 from 34.68% to 43.07% in 2022, one of the largest increases with +8.39 points. But it is the Lot where the increase in participation at 5 p.m. is the strongest with +12.41 points going from 37.43% in 2017 to 49.84% in 2022. It is logically in this department of Lot that we also observe the highest participation: find all the participation rates at 5 p.m. (metropolitan France) on this map.

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