“In Five Years” by Rebecca Serle

Indeed, a great success in the United States for this novel “In five years” by Rebecca Serle, which immediately saw its sales take off and which spent more than a year at the top of the rankings according to the very famous New York Times magazine.

So why such enthusiasm? The story is that of Dannie Kohen a 28-year-old woman who steers her boat exactly as she plans to. In the morning, we meet him. She wakes up to a brilliant financier who is going to propose to her the same evening, she is about to go to a job interview in the firm of her dreams and she lives in a New York of snow globes. . Everything is perfect precisely as she decided without any room for chance.

But not everything will go exactly as planned! The grain of sand will come in the form of a dream who will question her. She woke up 5 years later, hence the title of the book, in a different apartment alongside a completely different man. Taken aback, she chases this thought until the day when she will find herself face to face with the one who appeared to her in her night vision.

So we could think of yet another romantic comedy sewn with white thread and in fact not. And that’s what is delicious in “In five years”, it is that there is lots of unexpected twists. This mysterious man may not have the role we think, the universe that seems so enchanted may become darker and darker, friendship will hold a very special place in the story and what seemed a little nunuche will turn out to be profound.

This American author Rebecca Serle has a very nice surprise in store for us. We start our reading with a sour candy and we end it by saying that it was much more substantial than we thought. ”

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