“In every family there are members who live on the other side”, testifies a Ukrainian refugee in Russia

In eastern Ukraine, pro-Russian forces are trying Friday, February 25 to gain ground against the Ukrainian army. This is one of the areas in which the fighting is intense. In parallel, thehe Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has decreed the general mobilization and the recall of reservists within 90 days in all regions to face the troops from Moscow.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the evolution of the situation in our live

In this context, some residents People’s Republic of Donetsk – a separatist territory whose independence Moscow has just recognized – preferred to flee. This is the case of Roxana*, who went to Russia. His 20-year-old son is hiding in the Donetsk region to avoid being recruited.
>>> His testimony can be heard at the bottom of this page.

franceinfo: How did you go to Russia?

Roxanna: I left the Donetsk region two days ago, thanks to buses evacuating women, children and the elderly. It is fear that dominates: there may be fights, shootings. I have already lived [le conflit avec les séparatistes pro-russes en] 2014, I know what war is.

Do you have any news of your relatives who remained in the Donetsk region?

Those who live around Donetsk tell me about shootings. It usually takes place at night. There is noise, machine gun fire and, occasionally, the sound of things – possibly heavier – falling. It is very worrying. My son is hiding because he does not want to be mobilized and go to war.

“Men between the ages of 18 and 55 cannot cross the border and leave the region. They must become soldiers and take part in this war. However, most of these people have never held a machine gun.”

Is this the case with your son?

Yes. I don’t know how this will all end. There are political slogans, we talk about territories, but in every family there are children. In every family there are men. When these boys go to war, it’s not easy for their families. They can be killed. Families are divided. Each family has its members who live on the other side. It could be your cousin or your brother, but you’ll have to shoot. To me, that’s stupid.

Russia has decided to recognize the independence of the breakaway republics. How do you live it?

Independence was recognized and the war began – or rather started again. Maybe it’s good or maybe it’s not good, I don’t know.

*Name has been changed.

War in Ukraine: listen to Roxana’s dismay (words collected by Jérôme Jadot)

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