The latest demonstration of the Inter-Union Common Front in Montreal demonstrated that the public sector will no longer be satisfied with the fine words of the Legault government. With the support of a large part of the population, union members want the State to recognize their importance and for this to translate into corresponding offers. If the government wants to demonstrate that it has the means to achieve its ambitions to deliver quality services, it will have to prove it at the negotiating table in all sectors, particularly in education.
François Legault has often repeated that education is a priority; he must understand that the future of our public schools is at stake now. The promotion of teachers, the attraction of new recruits and the maintenance of school enrollment depend on the salaries and working conditions that are currently negotiated. If we want to restore the teaching profession, concrete actions must be taken to turn the tide.
By voting for a 30% increase, the deputies have already gone to cash. Given that the offer of 21% over five years to Sûreté du Québec (SQ) police officers was based on CPI projections, why should public sector employees settle for 9%? Don’t they have the same needs as their fellow police officers?
Having experienced numerous negotiations, since I taught for 35 years in a public school, I was able to observe that the different governments were often skimpy in their offers, as if the teaching profession was something acquired, falling under ‘an ancient vocation close to volunteering. When Minister Sonia LeBel talks about reorganizing work and relaxing collective agreements, teachers are not fooled, because they know very well that this will result in “always doing more with less”.
Governments are responsible for the decline of this profession, which has lacked love for several years. Quebec society is reaping what our leaders have not sown. It is therefore up to the government to put in place the necessary conditions to ensure the sustainability of our public education system, because the future is now.
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