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At the Faculty of Medicine of Dijon, the teddy bear hospital has been a great success for 20 years. It has the dual objective of familiarizing children with the hospital world and enabling students to better approach, listen to and care for young patients.
At the Faculty of Medicine of Dijon (Côte-d’Or), patients are a bit special. The students look after teddy bears brought by the children. “They are the ones who imagine a scenario”, explains Enzo Sfeir, a second-year student. The teddy bear hospital has existed for nearly 20 years in France. To help children discover the medical world, students represent all specialties. A way to play down medicine and “an interesting educational outing”according to Dalila, a mother.
Train in contact with children
Second-year students learn to learn through contact with children. “It’s quite interesting, because it allows us to familiarize ourselves with children, how to talk to them and how to manage to touch them”, explains Léane Boussey, student and organizer. The teddy hospital will be open until next week. It will accommodate 1,200 children from schools in Greater Dijon.