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Less than five points separate Emmanuel Macron from Marine Le Pen after the first round of the presidential election. Sunday, April 10, in the evening, the president-candidate admitted that nothing was decided. From Monday, he left for the countryside in Hauts-de-France.
He wanted to return to contact with the French as soon as possible and reconnect with the crowds. Qualified for the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron began a field visit to Denain (North)Monday, April 11, when he had not favored this kind of trip before the first round. But these visits could be decisive for the second round. President-candidate did not choose the city of Denain by chance: it is one of the poorest towns in France, which voted more than 40% for Marine Le Pen.
In the town, Emmanuel Macron only came third, behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon. So he wants to get every voter. “I heard the message, and I see the country fractured and worried”admitted the head of state in front of a voter of the candidate of La France insoumise. In addition, the purchasing power, but also the pension reform worry. “We are sick of your reform”launched a resident of Denain in front of Emmanuel Macron, who replied: “We will gradually add three or four months per year.” “I also want to convince women and men of various sensitivities. To convince, I must gather”said Emmanuel Macron.