In Croatia, Denitsa Ikonomova has fun with an alluring dancer!

Each year, the show Dance with the stars unleash the passions on TF1. It must be said that the production constantly puts the small dishes in the big ones to satisfy its viewers. The cast of the next edition had the merit of making the buzz. But this time, Denitsa Ikonomova and Christian Millette will not be there. The two dancers have yet proven themselves in the show.

Let their admirers be reassured, the duo is far from moping. The latest news, the main interested parties have decided to fly to Croatia to have fun with relatives. For nothing in the world would they have wanted to miss an unmissable electro festival! On the Web, Internet users are on the job as soon as they post something. Recently Denitsa Ikonomova and Cristian Millette participated in a wild evening.

“Shock team, I overvalidate”

Dressed in colorful disguises, they seem to have danced to the sound of DJs until dawn. The merry troop obviously had a good time. “I love it ahaha, enjoy your vacation”, “Shock team, I’m overvalidating”, “The most beautiful, “too hot”, can we read in the thread of the comments of one of the publications of the pretty brunette. As pointed out Purepeople Jade Geropp, Denitsa Ikonomova’s BFF partied with them.

Troop members of pendance were also seen in the photos released on the Web. In any case, François Alu was absent subscribers. In recent months, the Dancing with the Stars juror and Denitsa Ikonomova have greatly intrigued their fans. Both have been seen very complicit in countless events! However, Denitsa Ikonomova never wanted to talk about it. Same story for the ex-colleague of Jean-Paul Gaultier. For live happily, live hidden as they say.


to see also: “Dancing with the stars”: his wife ousted from the next season, this flagship dancer threatens to slam the door

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