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Emmanuel Macron tries to seduce the more than 7 million voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Is his change of posture able to capture this electorate, essential to win victory on April 24? Report in Creil, where La France insoumise came out on top in the first round.
In Creil (Oise), many voters hoped for another result, after the first round of the presidential election. The city of left will now have to decide between the two finalists. On Sunday April 10, its inhabitants chose Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who won 56% of the vote. In Creil, even the municipal police are disappointed. “We are going to leave on five years of galley”, worries an officer. In a popular district, some plan to vote for Marine Le Pen.
The retirement age – 62 for the National Rally candidate, 65 or 64 for Emmanuel Macron – has become one of the criteria. “Life is already too hard, there are jobs that are very, very, very hard and people would like to take advantage of them before they die”, says a resident. Another voter says he is ready for some sacrifices. “My wife voted Mélenchon, but I voted Macron. I am ready to work until I am 70, as long as the far right is not in power”, he confides. All ask for the consideration of long and difficult careers, and the revaluation of pensions.