in Côte-d’Or, temp agencies are also struggling to recruit

Before when we were looking for a job, we were in trouble. Today we would rather be spoiled for choice. It is in all that affirms Pôle Emploi which speaks of a “record year” in terms of recruitment. Three million job offers are expected this year in France. A figure up 10% compared to last year. The figures for the Côte-d’Or will be revealed this Thursday, April 7, but one thing is certain, we are seeing the same trend in our temporary work agencies.

“We really have a lack of candidates. Before the recruiter was king, today it’s the person looking for a job” explains Charlotte Chabert, recruitment officer at the Crit agency specializing in the industrial sector, transport and construction. “To give you a recent example, I had a maintenance worker with electrical skills who got 6 job offers. Of course, he chose the best.

“We currently have about fifty offers and sometimes difficult candidates. We see people giving up their mission two days after starting and zapping towards another proposal. It’s not a good reflex, because the relationship of trust with an employer is built over time.”

In other temp agencies, Adecco speaks of sustained activity with 500 job offers in Côte-d’Or especially in industry. The Randstad network sees its number of job offers increase by 30% in our department compared to spring 2021.

A CDI without going through the CDD box

In order, the sectors that are recruiting are industry, transport, construction and hotels and restaurants. To motivate temporary workers, more and more bosses are talking about immediate hiring. “Today 40% of our offers are permanent contracts with bosses ready to sign without going through an interim or a fixed-term contract” emphasizes Patrick Vanoli, one of the experts in this network. Despite everything, offers remain unanswered, so Randstad advises recruiters not to stop at diplomas or experience, and to open their doors to candidates who show goodwill. “We try to adapt by building bridges between professions and opening up the field of possibilities” explains Patrick Vanoli.

In 2022, 57.9% of hiring projects are considered “difficult” by employers, an increase of 13 points reveals a study by Pôle Emploi conducted at the national level. The greatest difficulties are in construction (roofers, plumbers, carpenters, painters…), industry (boilermakers, welders…) car repair and health. In nearly 9 out of 10 cases, recruitment will take place, but it will take longer or the employer will have to revise his expectations (profiles, salaries, etc.) warns Pôle Emploi

“This situation will continue, our projections for the next few months show a constant job offer, while the number of applicants should drop due to hiring” prognosis Patrick Vanoli.

Another major brake, and no doubt lasting, the sharp rise in fuel costs no longer encourages people to find a job far from home.

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