In complete privacy | The Journal of Montreal

Human, natural, in all simplicity and above all patient, Diane Dufresne gave herself up on Saturday during a concert-talk at the Palais Montcalm, where the non-questions of the public took up quite a lot of space.

An event which, by chance, coincided with the 50th anniversary of his very first album entitled Hold on tight, I’m coming.

At the start, the idea of ​​this concert-talk, with times when the public could ask questions, seemed promising.

There were some upheavals due to interventions that were not always appropriate or uninteresting. Few questions, but many testimonies of love and moods, which stretched sometimes. The 78-year-old artist has been very patient.

Three segments

Accompanied on the piano by Olivier Godin, this great lady of Quebec song addressed, through three segments, her beginnings, creativity, which, for her, is synonymous with freedom and the world of today.

The diva told herself in three segments.

Photo QMI Agency, René Baillargeon

The diva told herself in three segments.

She explained that she has always been guided, from a young age, by a strong desire to get on the boards and perform in front of an audience.

“Looks like I was born to do this. That’s all I wanted to do, ”she said, recounting that very young, as a child, she created sets with elements taken from the catalogs of the Eaton chain.

On her difficult years, when she left the cabarets of France, to perform in those of Quebec, very different, she says to have developed her passion as a rocker.

“That’s where I learned my trade, she pointed out, adding that she sometimes shared her room with strippers.


With her long silver mane and a little disheveled, wearing a large stylized black dress, Diane Dufresne offered a few songs between her interventions, interesting and relevant.

The voice of this great singer is always right.

Photo QMI Agency, René Baillargeon

The voice of this great singer is always right.

Always in voice and graceful in her movements, the diva offered superb moments during the plays That, Share the angels and Hymn to the beauty of the world.

She modulates her voice with great precision. A voice that takes its place in this formula. To be honest, we would have taken a lot more, even if that was not the objective of this concert-talk created during the pandemic.

It was a beautiful evening with an authentic artist who could have been even more so without the interventions of the public. Diane Dufresne who sings and tells stories. Just that was perfect.

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